Thanksgiving Visit

Brooklyn's first visit to Idaho Pizza Company

Since Brooklyn is the first GrandBaby, Sandy went back to visit many times this year. Even I went back twice, once in April and once at the end of September. Since we were going to be home over Thanksgiving week, Sandy asked if Shannon and Jimmy would like to come to Boise for a visit. They said yes, so Sandy got them airplane tickets. Brooklyn was set for her first big trip at nine months old. It wouldn't be too bad. There is a direct flight from Chicago to Boise. The flight is about four hours long but at least no connections are needed. Sandy also got them CLEAR memberships so they could get through security at the airport quickly, without waiting in any long lines. When they got to Boise Shannon said that Brooklyn had done really well riding to O'Hare, going through the airport and riding on the plane. Looks like she is a real trooper. If she is anything like her Gramma Sandy, she'll be a real traveler when she gets older.

Abby is watchful while Brooklyn eats

The morning flight from Chicago gets into Boise about noon. Since they left their house very early for the airport (and were one time zone ahead), our visitors were really hungry by the time they got here. It was time to introduce Brooklyn to a family tradition. We took her to lunch at Idaho Pizza Company. There was lots of "finger food" that she could get from the salad bar. We also cut up some pizza into small pieces that she could handle. She seemed to really enjoy it but she made an impressive mess. We cleaned up as best we could but also left a good tip for the people who had to clean up after us. But overall her first trip to IPC was a big success. Now all we have to do is get her eating noodles and ketchup.

Sandy was in full grandma mode and was well prepared for a visit by a toddler. She had purchased a stroller for walks in the neighborhood and trips to the store. She got a playpen that went into my office and doubled as a crib for Brooklyn to sleep in. There were also toys for Brooklyn to play with. And I mean there were LOTS of toys for her to play with. We also made use of screens that we had to block off areas of the house to keep the dog out. We used them to close off the stairs and the sewing room, places where a toddler could get into trouble. That way we could let Brooklyn roam around without having to watch her every second. We had also removed everything loose within three feet of the floor. We did our bet to try to babyproof the house.

Brooklyn looks good in one of my baseball caps

Aunt Abby and Brooklyn got along well too. Brooklyn has two German Shepherds at home so she is used to dogs. Abby is also good with kids. On our daily walks in the park little kids always want to pet her and she is very patient with them. So the two of them got along just fine. Abby tended to stay out of Brooklyn's way most of the time, except when she was eating. She very quickly learned to hang around then to get all the food that Brooklyn dropped on the floor.

We only did minor excursions during the week. Brooklyn got to go on trips to Target and Walmart. We also went out to eat a few times. Once we went to Stagecoach, our favorite place for steaks in Boise. It's just like an old time Midwestern supper club. And we did have lunch at IPC again. Brooklyn seemed to really like it. She fits right in our family.

But mostly we stayed home and just enjoyed a holiday with family. Our friend Mary Beth came over on Thanksgiving Day and we had an excellent dinner and watched lots of football. There was also a lot of effort put in to making Old Fashions, a Midwest tradition. I'm not big on them. I was boring and stuck with wine but everyone else enjoyed them.

The week went by fast. Pretty soon it was time for our guests to pack up and head home. Brooklyn behaved well on the trip back. She seems to be a good little traveler.